Solving the rubiks cube from pictures

Like many, I have been fascinated by the Rubik’s cube since its introduction in 1979.

In 2011, I decided to leverage some of the image processing capabilities in Mathematica to solve the cube from 2 pictures. Here is what this will cover. (I gave this talk at the conference in October)

First let me summarize the key steps:

Quick Overview

Input 2 pictures (taken by phone)

Then we do some image processing with Mathematica:

Then we rotate the cube to a canonical representation preferred by the solver

Then solve using a TwoPhase solver written in Mathematica (Special thanks to Herbert Kociemba for the two phase algorithm…)

< wlcode >solveCube c={{{7,2,1,6,8,3,4,5},{1,2,1,0,0,1,2,2}},{{2,10,4,6,7,11,8,12,9,5,3,1},{0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0}}}

Then, output a movie using Mathematica

Let’s talk a bit about the process to get this to work:

The image processing solution is an optimization => collection of pictures to get a good sample

I got as many pictures as possible of cubes…

Then I started experiments in image processing:

A sample image:

Color reduction:


Edge Detection:

Image Lines:

Actual Implementation:

< wlcode >makeGrey256[img_] := Module[{step1},
step1 = ImageApply[Max[#] &, ImageResize[ImageAdjust[img, {.25, 0}], 256]];
ImageFilter[Min, ImageAdjust[step1,
Quantile[Flatten[ImageData[step1]], {0.05, .95}], {0, 1}], 2]];
greyImage = makeGrey256[testImage]

ImageCorrelate, MorphologicalComponents, ComponentMeasurements

< wlcode >ImageApply[{1, 0, 1} &, ImageResize[testImage, 256],
Masking ->Dilation[ImageApply[1 – # &,
Binarize[ImageAdjust[ImageCorrelate[ greyImage, #,
NormalizedSquaredEuclideanDistance]], .05]], 5]
] & /@ kernelsForCenter

getMatchLocations[img_, kernel_] := Module[{matchPointImage, components, level = 0.022},(0.022)
matchPointImage = ColorNegate[ Binarize[ ImageAdjust[
ImageCorrelate[img, kernel, NormalizedSquaredEuclideanDistance]], level]];
components = MorphologicalComponents[matchPointImage];
Round[Last[#]] & /@ ComponentMeasurements[components, “Centroid”]];

Add some graphs: DelaunayTriangulation, then select and orient the edges.

For example:

Solve the projection Matrix (using Solve to find rotations and FindMinimum to find the Cube distance and Focal Length)

Use simple texture mapping to extract and renormalize the side views

< wlcode >Graphics[{Texture[img],Polygon[Map[Reverse,Flatten[Table[{{x, y}, {x, y + 1}, {x + 1, y + 1}, {x + 1, y}}, {x, 0,2}, {y, 0, 2}], 1], {2}],VertexTextureCoordinates -> Map[(origin + pjct[mat . #])/resizedDimentions &,
Flatten[Table[{{x, y, 0, 1}, {x, y + 1, 0, 1}, {x + 1, y + 1, 0,
1}, {x + 1, y, 0, 1}}, {x, 0, 2}, {y, 0, 2}], 1], {2}]]},
PlotRangePadding -> None, ImagePadding -> None, AspectRatio -> 1,
ImageSize -> {256, 256}]

Use GradientFilter and ImageLines to optimize the side views

< wlcode >makeGrey256[img_] :=Module[{step1},step1 = ImageApply[Max[#] &, ImageResize[ImageAdjust[img, {.25, 0}], 256]];
ImageFilter[Min,ImageAdjust[step1, Quantile[Flatten[ImageData[step1]], {0.05, .95}], {0, 1}], 2]];

< wlcode >temp = DeleteSmallComponents[
Binarize[ImageAdjust[ImageAdd[GradientFilter[makeGrey256[img], 1],
GradientFilter[img, 1]]]], 100]

Get the ImageLines:

Apply texture mapping again

Apply magical color reduction…

Image Processing – Color

Typical Problem in color space:

Because of lighting, color identification is quite a difficult problem:
Here are some examples:

Color space visualization:


Solution is to extract all 6 faces, and then adjust the color matching

The two phase algorithm (written by Herbert Kociemba)

all details are at

Group of cubic moves is divided by G1 generated by U,D,R2,L2,F2,B2

Requires the Cube to be rotated in special position (Cube permutations to rotate in position)

Solver returns a series of moves

< wlcode >{“U1 “, “U2 “, “U3 “, “R1 “, “R2 “, “R3 “, “F1 “, “F2 “, “F3 “, “D1 \
“, “D2 “, “D3 “, “L1 “, “L2 “, “L3 “, “B1 “, “B2 “, “B3 “}

Build Movie from the solution

Cube rendering and animation

rendered as a series of move then transform…

The cube itself

mini cubes are ContourPlot3D

Label on faces are a single polygon

Cube itself is rendered by GeometricTransformation and Rotations

Example: a rotation of the front face

(* the labels on the cube *)

< wlcode >Table[{If[x == -1, {ColorList[[3z – y + 41]], GeometricTransformation[$aFace, {RotationMatrix[ Pi/2, {0, 1, 0}], {-1.5, y, z}}]}, {}], If[x == 1, {ColorList[[3z + y + 14]],
GeometricTransformation[$aFace, {RotationMatrix[Pi/2, {0, 1, 0}], {1.5,y, z}}]}, {}],
If[y == -1, {ColorList[[3z + x + 32]], GeometricTransformation[$aFace, {RotationMatrix[ Pi/2, {1, 0, 0}], {x, -1.5, z}}]}, {}], If[y == 1, {ColorList[[3z – x + 23]],
GeometricTransformation[$aFace, {RotationMatrix[Pi/2, {1, 0, 0}], {x,1.5, z}}]}, {}],
If[z == -1, {ColorList[[-3y + x + 50]], GeometricTransformation[$aFace, {IdentityMatrix[3], {x, y, -1.5}}]}, {}], If[z == 1, {ColorList[[3y + x + 5]],
GeometricTransformation[$aFace, {IdentityMatrix[3], {x, y,1.5}}]}, {}]}, {y, -1, 1}, {z, -1, 1}],
(* the mini cubes themselves *)

< wlcode >GeometricTransformation[{cube3DObject[[1]]},
Flatten[Table[{IdentityMatrix[3], {x, y, z}}, {y, -1, 1}, {z, -1, 1}],
1]]}, {{IdentityMatrix[3]}, {IdentityMatrix[
3]}, {RotationMatrix[-angle, {1, 0, 0}]}}[[{x + 2}]]]
, {x, -1, 1}],

The Scene

The scene itself is a series of GeometricTransformation

< wlcode >GeometricTransformation[

{{IdentityMatrix[3], {0, 0, 0}},
{ReflectionMatrix[{1, 0, 0}], {-7, 0, 0}},
{ReflectionMatrix[{0, 1, 0}], {0, 7, 0}},
{ReflectionMatrix[{0, 0, 1}], {0, 0, -7}}

The reflections are seen through low transparency polygons, which give the illusion of reflection

Opacity[.8], White,
Polygon[{center, center + {maxAxes, 0, 0}, center + {maxAxes, 0, maxAxes},
center + {0, 0, maxAxes}}], Polygon[{center, center + {maxAxes, 0, 0},
center + {maxAxes, -maxAxes, 0},
center + {0, -maxAxes, 0}}], Polygon[{center, center + {0, -maxAxes, 0},
center + {0, -maxAxes, maxAxes}, center + {0, 0, maxAxes}}],

The moves as Text are added as an Epilog.

The movie is build using the Export function

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